Hi all. Just a quick note to let everyone know, as if they didn't already, that we are safely arrived in Canada. We've been visiting alot since arriving, and not sure if I (Lesley) am over jet lag not or what, as I just feel tired all the time. Reverse culture shock, I guess. Everyone else seems to be doing fine. We've already been blessed with alot of hospitality and get togethers mostly with Dean's side of the family as his mom has holidays these first two weeks of June. My family visit will be a little more next week. We are well, eating far too much, and very cold, as the MB weather has taken a turn for the worst. (Think mid-winter, West coast rain, clouds and wind.) Not nice, but the warmth of family visitations and some excellent coffee, I might add, is making up for it!
Won't say much more than that, but thanks to everyone we've already seen for nice visits and making the effort to get to see us.
Lots of Love, Lesley
PS I'm going to start signing my full name, so that people can actually see the CORRECT spelling of it. As often as you see it mispelled in print, as "Leslie" that is actually the incorrect spelling. Lesley with an "ey" is my name. Sorry for the plug, but have just seen it far too often spelled that way lately! OK, bye for now.