Tuesday, October 7, 2008

THings work out

Hello all.  Will try to update more often, and shorter versions.  Well, after all my "complaining" last entry, things have managed to go quite well.  Got my bank card relatively painlessly, Dean got another key for the moto that works--a $12 fix thanks to our generous landlords who called the dealership for someone to come out, and took care of the language problem for us, and also got the price down a bit for us.  Things turn out, they always do.
Steph has a basketball game tomorrow at the "French" School, Julia has soccer after school, one of us will go on the bus to watch Steph's game and the rest of us will stay back with Jubes.  It is the end of Term one, so marks are due this and next week, which will make for some more time working, but I'm doing ok with mine.  Now Dean is on the other side--he'll be the one reading all the report cards and signing off on them.  So, he won't be late with his marks this year.
Also, we want to wish a hearty Thanksgiving Blessing to all of you Canadians.  We hope you enjoy lots of good traditional food and family.  We will be attempting some version of a Canadian Thanksgiving celebration here, which we're not too sure what format it's going to take, but it will evolve over the week!  We're inviting every Canadian we know (including David and Patti and staff members, and even two girls we met at church who are from Winnipeg, of all places!)  So, we'll let you know how that goes.  I have a little propane stove, that I can't imagine trying to cook a turkey in, or any fowl for that matter--Dean thinks maybe we can find a place to cook it and deliver it?  Not sure, but you never know.  ANyways, we'll look into things this week.  We also have the lovely big roof to go out on, so we have lots of space.  
Hey, anyone reading this, we've had our first Canadian visitor, who I think will also be coming this weekend--Jana Klassen, a former student of Dean's who actually went on his missions trip to the Ukraine with him.  She's here for a few months with YWam, and she came over for supper last Friday.  Small world.  It was nice to spend an evening with her, hearing about everything God is doing in and through her.  
ANyways, Maybe Dean can put up a pict or two.
Happy Thanksgiving, and God BLess you and yours.  We'll be thinking of you all overeating!!!


Heather said...

Happy Thanksgiving Weiss family! Was thinking of you and sent some prayers your way.

Claire and Inga said...

Sorry we missed your call.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your friends.
Praying for you guys - Have a great week.