Sunday, December 21, 2008

Post from Steph

I am really enjoying my time in Cambodia so far! I think it is very different than Canada though.

I am getting used to the weather, and think anything around 20 degrees Celsius is freezing!

One thing I really miss from Canada is milk! The milk here is weird! I usually just end up drinking water.

I have my own room, a bathroom with a cold shower, and a pink mosquito net. The first months here I was eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I am getting bitten less and less, so that is good. (

One thing I really love here is the markets! (Besides the fact that I am always getting ripped off.) I enjoy walking around and looking at things. Sometimes it is as if the market never ends; it is really big!

As I see lots of poor people every day with no home, I often keep thinking I don’t need anything for Christmas. It is true, I think. I have a loving family, a home, an education, food, and clothing. What more do I need anyway? There are kids down the street from us that are fairly poor. They are so sweet, though. There is a little boy, one year old, Lim. He is adorable! There are also two girls, somewhere around mine and Julia’s age. Julia and I gave them candy-canes the other day. Lim was so dirty that the candy-cane drooled down his chin, and the slobber/candy-cane juice was brown with dirt. We have set aside too-small clothing to give them.

I am quickly learning the language here, Khmer. Like you probably have heard before I am really enjoying it. Mony, our neighbor, is helping Julia and I learn by giving mini-lessons on some weekends. We regularly play with her. Hacky-sack, soccer, and volleyball we usually play together. While we play, we have usually seen a rat that runs by on the fence surrounding our property; today we even saw a small snake!

I can’t believe that it is 4 days to Christmas!!! It feels nothing like Christmas here. (Which is kind of sad.) Sure we have a tree, Christmas cookies, school spirit, but it still doesn’t feel anything like Christmas. It must be the weather…

Have a merry Christmas everyone!!!

Love Stephanie


Claire - Inga Warnock said...

Hi Stephanie:

Thanks for sharing on the blog. It's great to hear your perspective on life in Cambodia.
Your story is fantastic, keep writing. Have a wonderful Christmas.

cinnagirllaura said...

i miss u so much!!!!!
everyone at the school misses you, and i hope that you guys miss us too!!

please email me again,

laura (MEI)

Melanie said...

Steph, I just found your blog this morning and have been reading all about your time in Cambodia. It makes me miss you and Julia when I see your beautiful smiles. I especially laughed at the expression on your face when you were filming the snake that was in your house! Yikes! Oh, and the story you wrote is incredible! You are so talented! I look forward to checking this blog regularly to know how to pray for all of you. So glad you're doing well! ~Ms. Penninga :)