Thursday, February 5, 2009

News, News and God's News

Hello loved ones. We are a blessed family here in Phnom Penh. I have nothing unusual to report, except for all the unbelievable things God is doing here.
I've been minorly struggling with teaching these past few weeks. No real particular reason to put my finger on, but the enthusiasm, the joy, the ability felt like it was waning. Can't use the dreary Abbotsford weather as an excuse for the January blues, but that's what it felt like. The Lord is faithful, I trudged on until I finally just asked him to restore my enthusiasm, and specifically I asked for patience, which was sorely lacking. Today was a great day. Things are improving and I'm considerably excited about being excited again! Yay. If any of you can relate, it's just a thankful place to be in!
Two students that I know of, have accepted Jesus as their savior and Best Friend at Logos. These students are older, and not the little ones I teach, but to hear the good news is exciting! Both these kids have had troubles, so this is such a praise for them and for the teachers who have been mentoring them. There are exciting promises for miracles at our school, and I wait to see what God has planned. Pray for my Gr 1 class, as I would estimate that about 30% are Christians already, or come from solid Christian homes. There are kids in my class who held a bible for the first time EVER in their little lives, while we looked through it, so that was a meaningful moment for me. I am so priviledged to be allowed to share the awesome Good News of Christ's love with them, freely, within the school and the country. The government allows us to be here, and it's quite a priviledge. I just keep telling my kids, no matter what, Jesus loves them, no matter what....
We bought another moto, so now I am empowered with wheels! It's a really nice bike, a super price and now our whole family can sport around and we have alot more freedom. It's good.
Dean is coaching Steph's middle school girls volleyball team, where Julia gets to help with practices. Good times. The team is, well, a middle school girls volleyball team, but we're getting to play some games against the other international schools, and believe me, the volleyball is improving! (it had no choice, sorry girls! ) lots of fun. Steph's a great little player with lots of contol and a good setter. J is able to hold her own with the older girls.
Maya news: Maya had to tell us the story of the three bears and goldilocks to get a chocolate in her class. Maya loves school. Maya plays with kids. Maya kisses her friends. Maya is cute. (But I wish she would get her own bedroom!!!)
This saturday is the Logos Carnival, like a fun fair, 10-2. Looking forward to a good time. Teachers have to man their stations, kids buy tickets and play games. Both Julia and Steph have to help out at their class game, and Dean is on BBQ duty. So, we'll find out what Maya will be up to. Eating candy in one hand with a pop in the other, probably!
We have a day off on Monday. Dean will be leaving for High School Camp early that day, so I have a whole day with just us girls that I'm looking very forward to. Then, he's gone all week, til Friday, so I'm on duty, and we're just going to take it easy, take a tuk tuk to school, Sokhom cooks wonderful meals for us, so I'm sure I can pull it off. It should be a nice week. Dean is looking forward to the experience as well, and we are prayerfully expectant of good things spiritually for the kids that go.
What else can I tell you. Oh ya, the mosquito saga continues....
We are swamped with mosquitos right now. Everywhere. In the house, out of the house, in the classrooms, out of the classrooms. It's really a nightmare. Mosquitos don't bite me, which is the truth, but they eat everyone else I know alive.
Here was my classroom this morning: Didn't notice too many mosquitos flying around, but we have a can of bug spray to fumigate before kids get there. I guess the kids stirred them up when they came in because we were suddenly absolutely swamped with mosquitos flying everywhere in the air! Kids were smacking at them, I was trying to hit them. It was completely distracting, to the point where I just stopped the class, told the kids to move to one side of the room, while I sprayed their desk area. Then we moved to a different part of the room for the rest of the class--there were so many mosquitos in this carpet area, (they rest on dark colored material, and just wait until stirred up to fly around) that we had to leave and go back to our desks. For 20 minutes, our TA, Jo, smacked mosquitos , and her hands were full of dead carcasses. (Maybe she'll forward me the pictures we took, and I'll put them up.) Gross! Meanwhile, the smell of bug sray is killing even us, and making my throat sore and it was hard to keep talking! Finally the poor kids go out for recess, and I just let those @*&&%!! have it, totally fumigating the room, and I left, to let the air clear. came back from recess, there are still mosquitos flying around. I'm talking, we started with hundreds of them!
They sit on my new black moto outside in the driveway too. We can barely sit on the maching before it starts moving, as they're swarming EVERYWHERE! Maybe I can't explain it with words, but you would just have to see it. It's reeeeeelly bad.
So, that's what you get in exchange for balmy weather!
Finally, but not least important in any way, we went to Shalom church this past Sunday, the house church that the Asian Hope kids go to, lots of students there we know (Steph likes going there.) because they were having 2 baptisms. Two boys in gr 6 were baptised. They gave their testimony at the church, then we all walked to Logos, where they were baptized in the swimming pool! How great! It was really a treat to be a witness to. Then we all went up to the cafeteria and at lunch together. Talk about a great time.
We are praying for you. Thank you for praying for us. It is really late and I have to go to bed now, or I won't make it through Friday!
Lots of love,

1 comment:

Renee said...

Loved reading your blog ... we are praying for you. So cool to see the girls thriving there. I'm sure you have difficult days but you are there for a purpose and God will help sustain you.

We miss you here in Abbotsford but are so happy for you that you are sharing in a lifetime of experiences together as a family!!!! You guys are amazing

(btw totally crazy story about that woman pretending to be pregnant ... ack ... not what you would expect!)

lots of love