Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Summer Sports in the big city....

As many of you may well know, our older two daughters love athletics, a passion they've inherited from me, their mother.

(I can hear you laughing!...)

Ok, well, maybe, just MAYBE Dean has a widdle bit more to do with their athleticism and enjoyment of sports, but in general, they're great team players and they give their best on all accounts. (They must get that from me?!? :)

Julia is nearing the end of her middle school girls volleyball season. They've had a winning season, with some strong Gr 7 & 8 players. Julia has practiced til she's blue in the face, (with her father's coaching) a "jump spike serve" that's really supposed to be a "jump float serve." Either way, she's jumping, the ball's going over the net in formidable style, and it's cool to think she can do this at the meager age of 12, when she's got alot of volleyball years still ahead of her.

She's worked hard this season to be a great team leader and she's very encouraging to others. Great Job, Julia. Keep up the good work!

Look at that form!
Summer, as you know, never ends in the big city of Phnom Penh, and it's a blessing to enjoy these beautiful days of the "cooler" season. This is Steph's high school girls soccer team warming up for a game at Northbridge International School, where this lovely field is located. This school is the one that Melanie Ens goes to, and it's the only school IN THE CITY with a number of gorgeous, grassed soccer fields. It's seriously, the only place. It's literally like a sanctuary, a haven. We love to go there and play! (Even when the girls lose)

Yes, it's been a growing season for this team. New Coaches Mr. and Mrs. Deremer have excelled in improving the girls skills, but unfortunately they've been no match for the ONLY other high school girls team in the city, ISPP (International School of Phnom Penh.) The girls have played them a number of times this season, and although the score did not represent victory, the improvement on the Logos side was tremendous and noted by all who watched them from game to game. Way to go, Logos!
Steph's in the middle of this pict, hot after their first of two games this past Saturday. She's been unfortunately, nursing a heel injury, caused, we're not sure, by bad shoes? overuse? Either way, it's been frustrating for her, as rest and ice-ing it alot has not given her the swift healing she would like. There is some time to rest it up before Basketball season, which is next for the ladies.
We really hope it can heal up sooner than later.

Steph is headed off to camp next week! As her first year in high school, she gets to attend the camp that Dean has attended the last few years (if you remember, where they zip line from trees, do all sorts of harrowing events!) She is pumped to go, and can enjoy a nice break from her parents' ever watchful eyes, as neither of us will be there! We really hope she can enjoy and have a great experience. (Pray for me!!!)

Well, that's it for now! If you haven't figured out yet with the pictures on the last two blogs, I, yes I, Lesley, have F I N A L L Y figured out how to upload pictures myself!!!!! (With no help from anyone--that's what "myself" means) so NOW, I can do it more often! Watch out, you avid readers--now there's no stopping me! Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha (evil laugh...)

Take care, loved ones and hope we can talk soon. PS. Just sent of registrations not a half hour ago, to MEI for the girls next year, (one in each school--elementary, middle and high!) Now THAT's a weird feeling: Logos is such a home to us now, it'll be very strange to be in a different school. I can't really picture us gone, yet. Pray for us, thanks!!! L

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am laughing.

And I wish I could be there to watch them kick butt out on the court!