Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Day of School is tomorrow!!!

Wish us luck! This is it! Break a leg!

Whatever lovely euphanisms you would like to use, the Weiss family is ready to go for tomorrow! Some new students, but mostly familiar faces returning, some new classes, some repeated from last year. Dean has a new title, but has been working a similar job to his last year. All in all, I sure hope we're ready to go. I've spent alot of time in the library, figuring how things run. Ly (Lee) is a cambodian guy that's been in there for years and is really good, knows everything about everything (he's also been the project manager, the Khmer go-between for the new building project) so he's been helping me out. My job is to make it a little more user friendly, teach the elementary how to use the library, run the library classes, that sort of thing. Special thanks to Connie Lewis (hi!) and the gang at the MEI libraries, as I got a tour and inservicing this summer there and it was SO incredibly helpful! You probably have no idea how much!!! So, between sorting that out and getting the music room all set and plans in motion, tomorrow is the big day.

I guess I sound so very excited because in my own heart, it's Maya's "First Day of School!" We've bought her her uniform, and she is pumped. She's already met her teacher, and with all the girls having new teachers this year, it's just plain old exciting. I'm going to take pictures tomorrow and we'll put them up right away. She's just going to be so cute in that uniform!

We had a tour of the new school last friday, and it was exciting, challenging. I can't imagine it actually being done by Dec. 1, as it seemed so messy and disheveled still, but then again, there is tile on the floors, some rooms are getting painted, you can totally see what the school is going to look like. So, it's pretty cool and exciting. Everyone is just so hopeful--you keep hearing phrases that begin with, "...when we get to the new school..." so you can tell it's sort of a pie in the sky dream for most of us to get in there.

I've said about all I can for a Sunday night. I hope the rest of you are enjoying your summer breaks still. We are really looking forward to this week. It's always the first hump to get over, and I'm looking so forward to seeing all the kids and establishing a good start to the show!
Ok, love yous all and will update soon. Happy Birthday Gray and Jax, Kaelyn, Courtney Chip, Sly, and coming up Sarah!

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