Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Good-bye is here: Lasts and Firsts

I haven't written for a while... I wrote a bit awhile back, about the exhaustion of the good-bye process, but it was too overwhelming to post...

We've just finished the last full day of classes....
The last of the marks have been submitted...
The last elementary chapel was this morning....
The last school lunch was yummy (kudos to the chefs!)...
Tomorrow is the last awards day (for our girls)...
Friday is the staff luncheon and the last time we'll see many of those faces we have called family for 3 years...
Saturday is our farewell BBQ, which is going to be a hoot, if I can pull myself together enough to enjoy it....( I will :)
Sunday is our last church service, last volleyball...
Monday is moving day, the last of the packing...
Most of our furniture and worldly goods are either spoken for, or will soon be sold...
The kids got their last Logos yearbooks today...

It is pretty rough on some edges, yet on the other sides, it's going well. Just the constant barage of questions leaves us breathless sometimes. Yes, we wish we knew where we'd be living right at this point too, but we just don't and will have to step out in faith (yet again!) that all will be well. (no offense to those who take an interest in us--thank you for your continued care and concern.)

We have all been run raged not only with the busy-ness of the normal school-end-of-year wrap up, but with closing down the whole "living here" thing, it's been hectic. Lots to do, but throw in the emotional strains that come with the package and it's just been that much more draining.

Oh well, we'll sleep in Canada. (haha--nothin' else to do there, it's so dang cold!!!)

Anyways, I will forego the lament now and restate that things are definitely going well: We're definitely thankful to be in the position of at least being able to leave, because that means we at least got to come!!!

And forward we march..... to all the "first" things! (again!)

May the precious comfort of the Holy Spirit bring you the peace I so treasure at these times!

1 comment:

Kara said...

It's hard to say good-bye, but you're right, what a privilege to have been blessed with these years together in Cambodia. You've been a blessing to many.